Monday 18 March 2013

Ladies Only: She Wee

“Why squat, when you can stand?”

As a female medical operator working in many different environments, I can honestly say that women are at a disadvantage,anatomy wise, when “Nature” calls. Being out in the middle of an open plain with no bushes or any kind of concealment with your crew of male counter parts, it is very discouraging as well as inconvenient when you have to urinate.

A great solution to this problem that I have purchased is the “She Wee”. It essentially is a funnel designed to fit the female anatomy so that you are able to stand up to urinate without the hassle of taking down your pants. This apparatus can  accommodate multi layers of clothing simply by adding an extension to the end of the funnel.

  • Dimensions: 170mm x 35mm
  • Weight: 17g
  • Material: Polypropylene
  • Reusable

To clean simply rinse with water and put in mesh bag hanging it on the out side of your gear until dry. It can be then further cleaned with hot soapy water when your mission allow for it. If you are in colder climates, simply use snow to gently remove any visible urine until mission permits for a more throughout cleaning. Hanging to dry will keep you gear free from bacteria especially in harsh environments.  Once dry place in original pouch for storage.

Pros of SheWee

  • No more crossed legs or tiring squatting.
  • Eliminates the need to remove necessary tactical gear or PPE
  • Allows you stand up in areas of little to no cover maintaining situational awareness
  • Allows you to remain fully clothed, and so retain your body heat in extreme cold climates
  • Allows you to maintain your fluid levels and urinate quickly and easily
  • Great for any mission that take you into uncharted territories.

Considerations when using the SheWee:

For winter condition, you may want to where undergarments such as regular panties as long as your outer garments have a zipper for easy excess and proper fitting against your body. Another option also is wearing male boxer briefs, as they are designed for the male anatomy and will work well for placement of the device. If you are layering your clothes for colder temperatures, consider wearing the same style of thermals as the male boxer briefs to allow for usage of the SheWee.

I would suggest that when you purchase your SheWee, that you take the time to try it in the shower first to learn how to place it against your body to get a proper seal. However, in saying that, I went live without difficulty in placement. Though I did not take into consideration the clothing I wore that day. I can’t stress enough how important it is to be wearing the proper clothes when you are going to use your SheWee.

The SheWee is now a essential part of my gear and goes with me on every mission. I would recommend to all my female counter parts to invest in the purchase of a SheWee. It is definitely worth "standing up" for. I purchased mine from One Shot Tactical Supply.  

 Auxilium Ad Miles

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